Back to School

This oft used phrase has changed in meaning for me this past year or two, as I’ve settled into a permanent school based job. It fills me with the same disappointment that the holidays have ended that I imagine it did when my eldest daughter was starting grade 5.  

Back to school used to mean, when all three of my children were still in primary school, visiting each classroom before the first day began, long chats in the car park after drop off with the mums, a quiet coffee and a chance to finally vacuum the house, get the washing caught up and maybe even enjoy a blissful hour of solitude before pickup.  It meant falling back in to morning dog walking routines, weekly shops and mops. It was pretty easy.

Now, as we grow up and older, responsibilities and needs change, now it means endless book lists, and stationary lists, and uniform requirements. Why not chuck a dental appointment or three in there at the same time. Oh, and shoes, new shoes. But lets leave the haircuts until summer has ended. All three of my tribe current sport glorious wild summer hair, no need to chop off summer just yet.

Back to school now means that I go back first, and they stay home. The last two days of school holidays. Alone.

With a 15 year old in the house this isn’t a huge deal, but there is a 10 year old in the house too, and a twelvie – just about to embark on her high school journey - I’d like to hang with them for a day or two more.

But back to school also means education, income, stability and a future. For many, all over our world, back to school doesn’t exist. Permanent employment doesn’t exist for some people, a stable home doesn’t exist for some people. Well, for a lot of people actually. So instead of lamenting about the end of summer, I’ll change my thinking and instead be grateful that I get to have an end of summer, a back to school.

I have children to leave, and schools to leave them at. A car to pick them up and pets to greet them at home. I’ll be grateful that we have a home, and that I could afford the endless book lists and uniform requirements and school shoes.  I’m well aware that there are people in this world, humans just like you and I, who are praying every night and/or wishing on stars for all of that to change and these responsibilities to be theirs too.  I really hope it does change. Soon.
