Will facebook Donate Money for Sharing a Photo?

Last night I counted five different postings of two sick baby photos on facebook. You know the kind, where it claims facebook will donate money if it's shared. I didn't want to offend anyone on my friends list and as it applied to more than one person I decided sharing a link to a page that explained the workings of such a post was the diplomatic way to go. I was disappointed to see the same people who shared the original pic then went on to share the link I posted, without deleting their original posts. One then went on a rant saying that my link was closed minded and it was selfish to suggest these photos should no longer be shared. Realising I wasn't getting through and not wanting to start a 'thing' on a platform as trivial as facebook I decided the best course of action was to spell out clearly and plainly what the actual deal with these kind of hoaxes is, then I decided I may as well share it here too.

"I'll probably be ostracized by a few people here but so be it, I only speak the truth...

The photos that do the rounds of sick babies that claim $ will be donated when shared are NOT REAL. Those photos are stolen from hospitals and forums, they are real photos but they are personal photos, they are photos of peoples ill and/or deceased babies. Stolen photos put into fake posts because some sick people think it's funny. When you share that pic you are not helping that baby by raising awareness or helping money be donated. It is impossible for the shares to be traced back. What you are doing is increasing the likelihood of the photo making it back to the family of the child and hurting them all over again, making them probably not want to partake in social networking when they are probably the people who need the supportive side of such the most.
What you can do to help stop this is report every hoax like this that comes your way. Think for a second, if you had a sick or deceased baby how would you feel if their photo made it's way back to you in a post like that? I know I'd be devastated!"

Please click the link below to find out more information.



  1. Well said Nicole, and I completely agree. Facebook is, sadly, full of hypocrites, or those who 'share' posts all too readily without putting thought into it. The Sick Baby situation is, sadly, so often a scam. Do you think sometimes these people 'attack' your position just because it's easier than admitting they were duped?


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